This week I started my junior year of college, which actually consisted of beginning my Master’s Degree. After the first day, I realized something that I hadn’t thought of before. My 19-year-old self does not fit the bill of being named a “grad student” at all. Let me follow this by saying I am not discouraged by that, I actually find it funny. I have people in my classes that I’ve been with for the last two years, so when the professors called me out as one of the two graduate students in the class, they were surprised. We had a good laugh about my loaded schedule as well as softball. After thinking about those moments, I could have easily been overwhelmed and questioned my ability. However, while I am stressed, I know that I will figure it out. That I will take on the title of graduate student proudly. I may not make an A+ in all of my classes (A- will do, just kidding, or am I?) but I will do my best and make it through this year and the next.
For those of you who are faced with challenges that may seem outrageous or out of the ordinary, or if you’re in a job or event where you may not “fit the bill,” don’t look at it as something above you. Look at it as a challenge. See these moments as places to grow and learn. Understand that you have been put in this position for a reason, whether it’s good or bad. Either way, we will get through this together. Buckle up, we have some challenging events to soar through.