I recently picked up a student who is from Tallahassee, but has family in Greenville. She is a youngster, but has loads of potential and the want to learn and grow, which is the best quality to have. How I managed to gain this student from across the way actually stems from the travel team that I am coaching. One of the pitchers on that team recommended me to this family. Word got all the way to Tallahassee about me! Little ol' Halo is being recommended by people that I have just met! That fills my heart with joy beyond words.
The story of this student does not end there. Turns out, her grandma, who is a Greenville resident, actually used to be my mom's kindergarten and first grade teacher. How crazy is that? The reach of the sports/small town community is insane to think about. That phrase “it's a small world” really rings true, even in communities an hour away.
That being said, keep in mind that your actions and the way you present yourself to others could hold an importance in your career later on in life, no matter who it is. Jesus tells us to love thy neighbor, and I wholeheartedly believe that this particular event has occurred in my life due to my willingness to share my love for the game with others, and my strive to do so by living by Him. So, the moral of the story: live your life in love. Be optimistic. You never know how far that will reach.