For those of you who know my dad, you probably know him as Sammy, Sambo, or Luke (he gets mistaken for his older brother all the time). Sammy was the popular nickname when he helped out with the Madison County High School softball team when I was in school, and he was a crowd favorite amongst the girls.
I am extremely grateful to have two amazing parents. My dad caught for me all those years growing up when I was pitching, and even with a semi-injured knee, he is still hitting me fly balls and throwing me front toss in practice while I am at home. With Father's Day coming up, I not only wanted to brag about my own dad, but share with you all the fact that Father's Day can be celebrated with father figures, not necessarily blood relatives.
My dad is a more quiet person, so we balance each other out well as I am nowhere near “quiet.” But, the things he does say are typically right (although it pains me to admit it) and inspiring. He does not realize how much of an impact he had on those girls at the high school and even on other teams that he has helped coach. He would stay after practice to let not only myself, but other girls as well, get extra reps and work on whatever it is they chose to. Sammy has not only been an amazing father figure to me, but to other kids that he has come in contact with as well.
Look for the Sammys' in your life this weekend, especially if your biological father is no longer in the picture. Do not let this holiday bring depression, rather, let it bring a different perspective on the people in your life. Father figures don't have to have kids to be inspiring, protective and helpful. To the biological and non-biological fathers out there, Happy Father's Day!