Well, my sophomore year at the University of West Florida has officially come to a close. It definitely was a year for the books, but I am welcoming summer with open arms and I am sure many of you are as well. This summer will still be busy for me as I am going to be working and coaching, but I am excited to open a new chapter in terms of adventure. Having the opportunity to be a part of the game from the other side is going to be spectacular and I am extremely excited for it.
But with all this growth and change happening in my life as well as all of yours, I wanted to also recommend taking a step back. It was brought to my attention that in the midst of this positive growth and development in ourselves, other aspects of our journey may fall through the cracks. Remembering to step back and compile all of the growth together with our roots as people and our big picture goals is important to efficiently achieve such goals, rather than just continuously work towards them. This summer, re-evaluate the changes, growth and development made in your journey thus far, and begin to work towards understanding how all of this growth can be compiled together to simultaneously work towards your goals for yourself and in your life. I will be doing the same, so we will be getting through this section of our journey together.
Do not focus solely on the expansion of yourself. Instead, take what you have learned and apply it as a whole to your life. Let’s begin to work on the bigger picture by bringing our little puzzle pieces of growth together. I will check in with you all next week, happy Friday and happy summer!