Recently, our town has been ripped to shreds and we’ve been left to pick up the pieces. I have had my fair share of worries and overall anguish at the site of my own childhood house being covered in trees and damaged in ways that seem unfixable. However, let’s not forget that while this process will take a long time, those damages can be fixed. Our town will always be our town, no matter how it may look. Our message at church this Sunday touched this exact theme for me. Our worship leader took the privilege of speaking to us about the Holy Spirit and the importance of keeping Him close, the importance of listening to our subconscious in times of desperation and guilt. But for this message and this column, I cried at the teaching of “the hovering promise.” This promise indicates that the Holy Spirit is always there. We may look around at our life and see nothing but dark, cold waters. However, we must look closer. Instead of focusing on the dark water itself, look above. There we will find the Holy Spirit hovering just above the madness, full of light and energy and ready to help us if we agree to let Him in. I think everyone in Madison could really use this message and concept. I know our situation is bleak, and we have a lot of work to do, but don’t forget to look above the darkness. The Holy Spirit is right there, waiting for us to give Him the green light to take over our burdens. God calls for us in these desperate times to run to Him, as He will take care of and shelter us. He won’t make it magically go away, but we can have peace of mind as Christians knowing that our God has our back. I pray that everyone is able to hand their burdens over and find peace in this stressful time. With His help, we can make it through anything. Remember to look above the darkness!

The Game of Life: College Edition The hovering promise
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