My girls and I had a tournament in Birmingham this past week, and saying we did very well would be an understatement. We beat up on every team we faced, and at the very end, pulled out a win against a very good team. In the midst of that, I was able to see an old friend of mine who now coaches collegiate softball. Seeing her made the whole trip, and it made it even better since some of the girls on my team actually want to go to her school. That being said, there were some changes made to the team that made some memegers happy and others, not so much. I talked to our team a lot about the recruiting process, and just life at their age in general this week, and I figured everyone could use the overall theme of every talk, which was that you never know. You never know who’s watching, you never know what is going to happen in the next play, the next day, or even the next year. Since you never know, why take anything off? Why not give all of your effort in every play or everyday at work? Even when things don’t seem to be working, why not keep pushing? It will only benefit you in the long run. You never know when your time will come, just trust that it is coming. With all of the “what ifs” and the unknown in life, focus on the goals at hand. You never know when they will be accomplished. When they are, it will come when you least expect it, but it will be a joyous time. Be comfortable in the unknown, because you never know when your efforts will change your life.

The Game of Life: College Edition You never know
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