Emerald G. Parsons
Baby to Junior Miss Pageant – 10 a.m.
Miss and Teen Miss Pageant – 4 p.m.
The annual Miss Madison County and Baby Miss Madison County pageants will be held this Saturday at the Madison County Central School.
The “Baby to Junior Miss” pageant will begin at 10 a.m and wrap-up around noon. The “Baby to Junior Miss” pageant will highlight the formal/evening gown portion of pageantry and will conclude with the crowning of six new queens and one new king, in each of their respective age divisions.
The Miss Madison County contestants get their afternoon started at 2:30 p.m. when they will compete in a private interview. The doors to the MCCS auditorium will open at 3 p.m., and at 4 p.m. the audience will sit back and enjoy the production of the Teen Miss and Miss Madison County Pageant.
The extravaganza will begin with an opening number, featuring all the young ladies. The Teen contestants will then compete in Sportswear and Evening Gown competitions and the Miss contestants will compete in Casual Wear and Evening Gown competitions. The afternoon will conclude with the crowning of the two new 2017 Madison County Queens.
Many, many years ago I entered pageants (hard and heavy) for six years (through my teens and early 20’s and then on-again-off-again for years after. My parents took me all over the place to enter them. I enjoyed entering pageants. It was my hobby and my past-time. Had I been a boy, I would have probably spent my time fishing and hunting, and nothing would have been said against it. But since I liked pageants, and put my energy into them, people automatically assumed that I was stuck-up, self-centered and self-righteous.
It wasn’t that I thought a lot of myself. It wasn’t that I was trying to make a name for myself. It wasn’t that I thought I was better than anybody else. It was just plain fun. Just like hunting and fishing are fun for some; just like playing golf is fun for some and just like gardening and cooking are fun for others. I enjoyed/still enjoy pageants, and so do many other girls.
My parents took me all over the state of Florida and Georgia to enter pageants. They encouraged me, stood beside me, and loved me, no matter what the outcome. Before I walked on a stage I was always told, “Do your best. That is all that matters.” When I walked off the stage (win, lose, or draw), I was hugged, kissed, told “I love you” and “You did great!”
Many pageants I won. Many pageants I didn’t. But the reception I received from my parents was always the same, “You did great. We are proud of you.”
I would like to encourage all family members, and friends, to keep those words in mind with the upcoming pageants, this Saturday. It takes a lot of nerve to get up on stage in front of family, friends and strangers and compete in a pageant. Win, lose, or draw – when your child walks off that stage, encourage them and love them, no matter what the outcome. Hug them, kiss them, and tell them, “I love you,” “You did great,” and “We are so proud of you.” THAT is what is important in your child’s life. Not cell phones, movies, iPods, or even a crown. It is the love from family members that will always be the strongest in their memory banks, as life goes on. Love them no matter what and teach them to love themselves.
I would like to say “Thank You” to the many businesses that have donated to the Miss Madison Pageant this year. It is because of each of you that these girls will have special memories.
Life is short. Childhood is even shorter. Help a child grow and blossom.
Until then….see you around the town.
(Or better yet, I’ll see you Saturday and/or Saturday afternoon, at the Miss Madison County pageants! Come on out and enjoy what promises to be a fun-filled day.)