The Woman's Club was in Four Freedoms Park on Monday, Nov. 27, to decorate for Light Up Madison. Pictured, from left to right, are: Debbie Tuckey, Ramona Prine, Kay Browning, Jackie Johnson, Alston Kelley, Ethel Barefoot, Kay Kelley, Phyllis Williams, Garrett Hammond, and Bailey Barefoot.
John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc.
On Saturday, Dec. 2, Madison will host its annual Light Up Madison event in Downtown Madison. It would not be possible for this event to go on if it was not for the help from the Woman's Club. Lights were put on trees, statues were cleaned, and garland was hung around the gazebo. Angel cut-outs and a nativity set was also placed in the Four Freedoms Park for the enjoyment of all citizens and visitors to Madison County. A huge “thank you” goes out to all who were involved in setting up for Light Up Madison! Merry Christmas!
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