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Governor Rick Scott presented Shine Awards to eight outstanding educators from around the state during Teacher Appreciation Week and one of those eight was Madison County resident and Jefferson County Middle High School Teacher Thomas Speight. The presentation took place during a meeting of the Florida Cabinet. Governor Scott recognized the educators for their contributions to learning with the Governor's Shine Awards. The Governor’s Shine Award is presented to educators and administrators in Florida who make significant contributions to the field of education. Governor Scott also proclaimed May 4 - 8, 2015, as Florida Teacher Appreciation Week. Governor Scott said, “I am proud to help celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week by awarding these outstanding Florida educators with the Governor’s Shine Award. Florida is proud of the outstanding teachers in our classrooms who are helping students reach their full potential for college and their future careers. Thanks in part to the hard work of our teachers, Florida’s students are among the best and the brightest in the nation.” Thomas Speight has taught in the Jefferson County School System for over 12 years. He is passionate about teaching history, and uses a variety of reading and writing strategies in his U.S. History and World History classes. He uses various techniques to help students understand the significance of historical events, and encourages his students to debate their ideas in the classroom. Speight also tutors students before school, during lunch and after school to help them succeed. In January of this year Speight was honored by the Jefferson County School District to receive Teacher of the Year for his superior ability to foster excellence in education as well as having the ability to create positive relationships with parents, students, coworkers and the community. He went on to compete in the State of Florida Teacher of the Year competition and will represent Jefferson County in the Florida Department of Education Macy’s Teacher of the Year in July. He will travel to Orlando for this special recognition. He is married to Shannon Speight. They live in Madison and have two children, Noah and Caleb. He received his education at Valdosta State University and has been teaching for 18+ years. He’s been teaching for the Jefferson County School District for 13 of those years. “I was absolutely surprised when I received the email from Governor Scott’s office,” replies a very excited Speight. “I would not have received this recognition without my students. I need them as much as they need me. I am so proud of all of my students. They are a great bunch of kids to be spending my days with and to be teaching.” He goes on to say, “It’s an honor and a privilege to receive this award and to meet the Governor of the state of Florida but it’s especially wonderful to see my students graduating and going on to college and vocational technical school and making better lives for themselves.” To congratulate Speight personally, email him at thomas.speight@jeffersonschooldistrict.org.