John Willoughby: Greene Publishing, Inc.
Down Home Days 2018 is right around the corner, and what is a good festival without great food, and good shopping? Vendor applications are now being accepted for the festival and the deadline to apply is Saturday, April 7. If space is available, late entries will be accepted. However, a late fee of $25 will be charged in addition to the vendor fee.
According to the Madison County Chamber of Commerce, Homemade Arts and Crafts are encouraged and will be given preferred status. Pre-manufactured items may be accepted on a limited basis. Vendor space is limited and applicants in excess of available space will be rejected and the entry fee will be returned. Alcohol is prohibited in the festival area and vendors may not have animals and/or pets at their site unless they are service animals or with written permission from the event coordinator. All vendors agree that t-shirts designs must be approved by the festival committee, and that the Committee reserves the right to prohibit sales of inappropriate artwork or signage.
On Monday, April 16, booth assignments will be posted and vendor packages, with maps, will be available in the Chamber office. Booths are assigned on a first-come, first served basis and spaces are not guaranteed to be the same location as previous years. Vendors may not set up on Friday, April 20, unless written permission is given by the festival coordinator, as there will be no security throughout the late night and early morning hours. Vendors may begin setting up as early as 5:30 a.m., on Saturday, April 21, on side roads. Vendors located on US Hwy. 90 may not begin setting up until the highway is closed, which is scheduled for 6 a.m., on Saturday, April 21.
The Chamber of Commerce's supply poles are limited. Assignments to these booths will be on a first come, first served basis. Only one electrical outlet per space is allowed and vendors must bring an extension cord, minimum of 200 feet of outdoor extension. Anyone using electricity from the City of Madison must bring their own working surge protector. Also, only whisper generators are allowed – generators deemed too loud will not be permitted to run.
Deep fryers must be attended at all times, and vendors are asked to use tar paper underneath their units in case of a spill. Fire extinguishers are required if you use a flame or fire of any kind. You will not be able to set up without one. Vendor must provide two trash receptacles at their booth and dispose of trash in the roll-off receptacle that will be provided.
All vendors are asked not to start booth take-down until 2 p.m. At no time will vehicles be allowed in the booth area until the end of show, on Saturday afternoon, April 21, unless directed by the show manager. You must provide tables, display racks, chairs, canopies, tents, etc., and each exhibitor is responsible for keeping their booth area clean and for removing trash when leaving. All exhibit spaces are located in the proximity of downtown Madison. Nearby parking is available and no refunds will be given for vendors who register in advance and are not able to attend and/or cancel for any reason.
For a full list of prices, you may visit Prices vary by category: non-profit/information only, retail merchandise, activity exhibits, and food vendors. Please mail your payment, completed application and Sales Tax Certificate to Madison County Chamber of Commerce, ATTN: Festival Management, P.O. Box 817, Madison, Fl. 32341. Please make checks payable to: Madison County Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce also has the ability to accept credit or debit card payments through QuickBooks. After receiving the emailed application at, the chamber will email the invoice containing a link to enter payment. Either way, you can complete the application on a computer and return it by email. However, you will not be assigned a booth until payment has been received.
The Madison County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is not responsible or liable in any way for lost, stolen, or damaged goods, or any personal injury. Vendors participating in this event agree to hold the Madison County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism, the City of Madison, all sponsors and volunteers as harmless from any claim of harm or loss. The vendor agrees that sales tax must be collected on all sales and it is the responsibility of the vendor to collect and submit sales tax. The vendor named in this application hereby agrees and consents to adhere to the terms and conditions of participating as described herein.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Madison County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism at (850) 973-2788, email them at, or stop by their office, located at 182 NW College Loop, in Madison.