Jason Futch
The Vietnam War raged for decades, and throughout the presidencies of four United States Presidents. As offensives raged, and the casualties of war continued to trickle in, there were families back home devastated after learning their loved ones would not return. Those who did return were treated as less than heroes by those who did not understand the sacrifices the countless soldiers, marines, sailors and air force pilots had to endure during the war.
Many Vietnam veterans remain, living through the scars of war and remembering the battles they faced as they journeyed through the jungles and rice paddies, not knowing if they would live to see another day.
The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, signed into law by President Donald J. Trump, established March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. This day honors and recognizes the service, sacrifice and dedication of all those who served during the Vietnam War, including the families who supported them.
According to the National Vietnam War Commemoration website, the date was chosen to be observed in perpetuity, as March 29, 1973, was the day United States Military Assistance Command Vietnam was disbanded. It was also the day the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day holds a unique place among several military-related observances, officially recognized under Title 4 of the United States Code, Section 6. These observances, which also include Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day, are designated to ensure the nation formally acknowledges the contributions and sacrifices made by members of the United States Armed Forces throughout history. By establishing this day of recognition, the United States affirmed its commitment to remembering Vietnam Veterans, ensuring their service is never forgotten.
While some have shared their stories with a passion for preserving the history of the Vietnam War, some have also chosen to forget about the events, traumatized by the violence and loss of their friends and comrades. Although some choose to honor their service, proudly or quietly, some decide to forgo the reminders of such a violent war respectfully.
Some also continued to remain steadfast in their efforts to keep America safe, as some continued to serve their country in other conflicts, including the Persian Gulf War and even during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
According to the National Archives, there were 58,220 casualties during the war, of which 40,934 were killed while in action. Numbers published by the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Office show that 1,582 servicemen are still missing as of 2025. Locally, in Madison County there were five casualties from the Vietnam war: Howard Cleveland Barker, Madison; Johnny Lee Moore, Madison; Alton Lamer Singletary, Madison; Arelinn Lewis Jackson, Greenville; and John Tarry Roberson, Greenville.
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., memorializes the many service members who lost their lives in the conflict. Many towns, counties and states throughout the United States have memorials, plaques and statues honoring the service of those, living and dead, to express their gratitude for their service to their nation.
According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, there are an estimated seven million Vietnam Veterans still living in the United States and abroad.
It is important to remember the sacrifices that Vietnam Veterans made on behalf of the United States, and honor the work they did to protect freedom while in the jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam.
All gave some, and some gave all.