USA Today is hosting a 10 Best Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Swimming Holes in the United States. Outdoor experts were tasked to look at all of the swimming holes in the United States and narrow the list down to the top 20. Madison Blue Springs, in Lee made it on the list. From now until Monday, July 20 at noon, the public can vote once a day on the 20 choices to narrow the list down to the 10 Best Swimming Holes. On the leader board, Madison Blue Springs is currently listed as number one. Others on the list are: Falling Water Falls in Sand Gap, Ark., Bridal Veil Falls in Tallulah Falls, Ga., Devil’s Waterhole in Burnet, Texas and Queen’s Bath in Kauai, Hawaii. To show your support for Madison County and vote for Madison Blue Springs, go to
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1. Photo Submitted. Madison Blue Springs is currently number one in USA Today’s 10 Best Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Swimming Holes.