Nancy Taylor: Greene Publishing, Inc.
On Thursday, June 22, children attending week one of Madison Church of God’s (MCOG) Tribal Games Day Camp had a splashingly good time as they participated in an afternoon of outdoor water activities. The kids were split into teams with color names and competed in water relay races and just plain water fun. The children ran the relays in groups of two teams at a time competing in a round-robin fashion until they had one team declared as victors. The “Green Team” took the title.
“This is the most interactive week of my life,” Branton Treglown, Youth Pastor at MCOG, said concerning the church’s summer day camp. He continued to say, “This is a lot of fun; the kids are having a blast. Some even want to stay longer.”
Treglown expressed gratitude for the “great volunteers, the opportunity and the facility (the church).”
In observation of one of the younger children participating in the water relay games, Amanda Gillean, one of the day camp’s adult helpers noted, “that’s the first game she’s participated in.”
Each day of the camp carried a different set of activities, so the children were never bored.
On Friday, June 23, the children went to Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park, south of Madison.
This year’s day camp ends on Friday, June 30.
If you’d like to learn more about the ministries offered at MCOG, visit the church’s webpage at or call MCOG at (850) 973-3339.