August 7, 1953
Brew joints and assorted hangouts in this county were smacked with a one-two punch by the County Commissioners Wednesday when the board approved a no-beer-on-Sunday resolution and a curfew other nights from 12 till 7. One or two legitimate restaurants in the county which also serve beer are likewise affected by the jook-busting resolution. School Board Member J P Johnson, who was voted down 4-1 on the question of closing the street in front of the proposed new Madison elementary school told this newspaper Thursday morning that he still hopes the School Board will agree to close the street. Mrs. Linton Willis and son Edwin left Saturday morning for Eilenboro, N.C., to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. G W Greene and other relatives. Dr. Harry A Nevel arrived Saturday to become Director of the Tri-County Health Department for Madison, Taylor and Jefferson counties.
August 6, 1954
The two-story home of Johnny Harris at Lee burned to the ground together with nearly all contents, about 1 p.m. Saturday. The house was formerly owned by Frank Hembree. It was known by old timers as the Lige Brass house, and was built some seventy-five years ago. Rebecca Jo Hiers, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Hiers received the rites of infant baptism at the First Methodist Church, Sunday morning. Rev. E E Snow officiated. Dr. F L Bush of Pinetta has been appointed Acting Postmaster at Pinetta, succeeding Miss Gussie White, who is retiring. Mrs. Carroll Blalock and Mrs. S H Moore entertained Thursday morning at Mrs. Blalock's home complimenting Miss Mildred Register, bride-elect whose marriage to Frank Edwin Guilford of Blountstown will be an event of Sunday, August 8.
August 5, 1955
Mrs. Lawrence Roffe headed a delegation requesting permission to install a Coca-Cola machine in the Court House for benefit of 4-H projects. Request granted. Royal Ambassadors of the Baptist church who attended the R A Summer Camp at Swan Lake, Melrose, last week were Hugh Deloach, Dale Walker, Guy Seago, Tommy Hudson and Melvin Wells. Deloach, Walker, Seago and Hudson won the Honor Campers' award. Robert L Buchanan, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. R P Buchanan of Pinetta, recently arrived in Japan aboard the Destroyer USS Chandler for a six-month tour of duty. James Jefferson Shipp, 22, and Robert Milton Dumond, 28, were ordered held in bond of $1,500 each in a hearing before US District Commissioner Cashen in Jacksonville last Friday. The men are charged with having transported a stolen car from Houston, Texas, to Madison, where they were arrested.