May 27, 1955
Miss Bettie Iris Blanton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C J Blanton of Sirmans, and Pfc Charles J Sharp were united in marriage Saturday, May 21. Mr. Sharp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J W Sharp. The Rev Owen Blanton, uncle of the bride officiated at the quiet ceremony which took place at the home of the bridegroom’s parents. Miss Roberta Selman was presented in her senior piano recital by Waller Whitlock, Sunday afternoon in the high school auditorium. Her sister Mary Ellen Selman, soprano, assisted with the program. Mr. and Mrs. William Berry Ezell of Lee, Florida, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Montine to Wallace Francis Bennett son of Mrs. John Bennett of Live Oak, Florida and the late Mr. Bennett. Miss Olivia Bishop, daughter of Mrs. Lee C Bishop of Greenville, will be awarded the B A Degree at Montreat College Commencement exercises May 30. Miss Bishop’s major field of study is Bible.
May 29, 1953
Mrs. Ralph Reddick, the former Miss Ann Beggs, a recent bride, was the inspiration for a two table bridge game at the Wexler home last Tuesday evening. A short circuit in a motor in one of the pumps at the Amoco Station on East Base and Shelby streets caused a gasoline flare-up about 9:45 Wednesday morning. Effective work of the Fire Department confined the blaze to the one pump. There was a minimum of damage. Miss Walda Rene Jenkins and Petty Officer 3rd class Wallace Edwin Wilson, Jr., were united in marriage Sunday, May 24th, at one-thirty in the afternoon, in the Epworth Methodist church at Norfolk, Va. W C Copeland 3rd, member of the 1953 graduation class of Madison High School was honored with a supper party Saturday evening at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Studstill. Others sharing as hosts and assisting with the entertainment were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sims, Miss Alice, Mrs. Edith Bevan, Miss Louise Watson and Mr. and Mrs. W C Copeland, Jr.
May 28, 1954
Leonard Albritton, one year old son of Olen Albritton of Lee Route, was poisoned last Friday by eating the green fruit of the Jimson weed. The little fellow suffered dilatation of the pupils of the eye, dried mouth and throat and abdominal cramps. He was brought to a physician here for treatment, and was getting all right again the next day. W R Bell reports he is on the job at Hardee Motor Co, selling new and used cars, and wants his friends to come by and trade cars with him. A large attendance was present at the Rotary Club Wednesday when T C Merchant Sr. gave an interesting talk and quiz on Where do you live?, and legal descriptions of a number of member’s homes. Mrs. Buford Handley entertained the senior class of Greenville High School Thursday afternoon at Sampala Lake with a swimming party and fish-fry, complimenting her daughter, Marlene, who is a member of the class.