Emily Akers: Certified Personal Trainer
Motivation for anything has ebbs and flows. One week you're the first one in the office, you're organized and are checking things off your list. The next week, it takes all your will power just to get out of bed; we’ve all been there. Motivation can come from several places, but there are techniques to help you find it.
1. Set Goals. No matter what you want your final outcome to be, write it down! If you're long-term goal is to run a marathon, it won’t be achieved by sitting on the couch. There are short-term goals that will need to be accomplished in order to cross that finish line at your desired pace. If your marathon is ten weeks away, each week should be broken down, and then further into each day. No matter what your long-term goal is, it will be best achieved by setting short-term goals.
2. Hold Yourself Accountable. There are a couple ways that a person can hold themselves accountable, a workout partner, or rewards. Let’s be honest, some people just do better with a workout partner. Pick a person, or people, that you know will keep you motivated every day. It is usually best if these partners have the same goals, this way everyone is being held accountable. If you don't have a partner, give yourself a non-food based reward. While food is a great motivator, it will hinder your progress. Ideas such as an at-home spa day, reading a chapter out of the book you have been meaning to get to, watching a little extra TV, sleeping in, or even putting money in your “vacation fund.” No matter what it is, remind yourself that you are getting that reward for a job well done.
3. Change your routine. No matter what your goal is, you will always have the opportunity to change your routine. Doing this will keep things exciting! No matter what type of exercise you are currently doing, the bottom line is: exercise is exercise. Changing it up will still burn those calories, and will keep you from falling in a rut. If you're a long-distance runner, try a sprint workout. If you're a weightlifter, (yes, I am going to say it) try some cardio. If you only do cardio, step into that weight room. You're muscles and mental focus will thank you for the change in routine.
The motivation to workout isn't always there. When your goals are set, you're holding yourself accountable, have added workout variety, and there are fewer excuses. With these three tips, your motivation should stay more consistent. Go achieve those goals!