Three Madison County High School weightlifters attended the State Weightlifting Championship in Kissimmee, Fl. on Saturday, April 18. The students were: Zack Sprenkle in the heavyweight class; Marc Robinson in the 154-pound weight class; and Andrew Strom in the 139-pound weight class. Sprenkle won the State Championship in the heavyweight class with a 775-pound total. According to Coach James Ertzberger, Sprenkle is only the second student athlete from Madison County to ever win a State Championship in weightlifting. “The last four years that I’ve spent busting my tail to get to this point has finally paid off and I am just happy to be a vessel that God works through to show his power,” said Sprenkle. “And I’m really happy to make all of the people of Madison County proud and to represent my last name and where I come from.” Marc Robinson placed sixth in the 154-pound class with a 525-pound total. Andrew Strom placed tenth in the 139-pound class with a 450-pound total. "It really feels absolutely amazing," said Robinson. "At the beginning of this weightlifting season, my goal was just to make it to state, and to be able to make it there and on top of that, be numbered with the top six weightlifters in my class in the state of Florida was such an amazing accomplishment for me. I feel like all of the grinding and hard work has finally brought it's reward. It was well worth all of the time and effort." Sprenkle and Robinson received medals for placing in the top six spots of their weight class. Strom placed tenth in his weight class and had this to say: "It felt pretty good but knowing I could have done better, trained harder and maybe had better results still sits heavy with me."
Zack Sprenkle is Weightlifting State Champion
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